“Because I care”
With the sad news of Rachel’s passing reaching us today, I would like to share a little memory in honour of her life and work.
We knew each other for perhaps 15 years or so, and as everyone who knew her can attest to, she radiated enormous energy, focus, dignity. And, when you knew her a little better, one was showered upon with almost overwhelming warmth and kindness. Rachel embodied warm and benevolent attention.
So - we were in sporadic contact which each other over all these years re. her academic work, different projects, ideas, research. And, ever true to her nature, whenever there was a longer break with no communication because there was no new project to discuss, she would not let pass more than half a year or so without sending brief spontaneous “thinking of you”-messages – simple reminders of friendship.
In her very last such message, she closed with what I believe summarizes so much of this wonderful being:
“… because I care. Rachel”.
And I cared for you, and still do, dear Rachel.
Alexander Batthyany (Director, Viktor Frankl Institute, Austria)